Tracy Chapman - Change
Friday, March 31, 2006
Funny people - part 2
I walked over.
Moi: Yes, sir. May i help you?
Mr A: Are there any empty seats in business class or first class? If there is, i want to move over there.
Moi: I'm sorry sir. Ungrading of classes is not within our control. If you like, once the doors closed, you might like to shift to other empty seats around.
Mr A: What do you mean there's no seats in front? The seats here are so FXXKING SMALL!!! (he shouted at the top of his voice)
I was momentally stunned.
It was totally uncalled for to be using vulgarities infront of cabin crew, especially when its not within our control nor our fault. (see lah, this is the kind of passengers we have to face everyday!! and you all thought i have a good life)
I wanted to tell him off, to rebut him or tell him to kiss my AXX ..but i'm not going stoop as low as this creature.
I gave a cold smile and walked away.
I'm not going to comment on this. But all of you who's reading this blog:
it says alot about his upbringing, doesnt it?
I pity him.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
In Case of Emergency, dial "ICE"
I finally store my "ICE" in my mobile phone..
What's ICE?
ICE is the acronym for – In Case of Emergency –
The idea is to store the word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency".

The campaign was launched in Apr 2005 by Bob and Falklands war hero Simon Weston in association with Vodafone’s annual Life Savers Awards.
The idea follows research carried out by Vodafone that shows more than 75 per cent of people carry no details of who they would like telephoned following a serious accident. As a result, paramedic/police struggled to get contact details from shocked or injured patients.
With the ICE, ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them in an emergency situation.
However, think carefully about who will be your ICE partner as the person has to give consent for emergency medical treatment.
It's as simple as that!
So, take out your mobile phone now and add your ICE
I know i did mine already!
Friday, March 24, 2006
Bananas in pajamas
Check this out!

This is a bunch of ordinary bananas Elizabeth bought in a supermart in Copenhagen, Denmark..
Feel similar to the bananas we have in Singapore!
Look similar to the bananas we have in Singapore!
Taste similar to the bananas we have in Singapore!
Smell similar to the bananas we have in Singapore!

BUT in terms of prices..very vast difference!!! a bunch of banana in Singapore (even if its the Del monte brand) probably cost S$3? MAX...
the bunch of bananas we had in Copenhagen cost like S$10!!
so its $2 for one BANANA!!!
and this is my dear Eliz enjoying her S$10 bananas.....
its another 杀人放火 case leh (like my muah chee blog)...
Btw, side track abit here! Recently, i walked pass the muah chee store...guess out? they are selling the muah chee like 250g for S$1.50!! Grrrr..and i bought it like 100g for S$1.80
Just because its CNY! you had to jack u the price to make a fast buck!!
不道德 哦!! Unethical !!
So, a trip to the supermarket that day cost us:
- bunch of banana DK33 (S$10)
- 10 eggs DK14 (S$4.20)
- 2 X 1.5L bottle of Fanta drink DK40 (S$12.20)
- 1 bottle of fruit juice DK17 (S$5.15)
total groceries expenses DK104 (S$31.55)
You would maybe pay less than S$11 if you had purchase similar items in NTUC or cold storage
Oh yeah, did i mention that one of my colleagues made a phonecall back to Singapore using the hotel's roomphone?
Her damages that day : 14mins for S$191.00!!!
No, i'm not kidding here!!
And you thought Singapore was expensive..Duh~~
Swedish word : livsmedelsaffär
English word: grocery store
Suckers for fridge magnets
My collection of fridge magnets are invading my family refrigerator!!

It's a "die die must buy thingy 死死都要买" everything i fly to a new destination! Some of the fridge mangets are bought by Tom when he went back to Sweden (fyi: Sweden doesnt have very nice fridge magnets or maybe its just that Tom's taste in fridge magnet is *zipped zipped*) or my frens when they went business travelling to ultra ulu places like Botswana! (where the hell is Botswana?)
Dictionary says "Botswana - A country of south-central Africa. Originally inhabited by the San and later (18th century) by the Tswana, the region became a British protectorate after 1885 and gained full independence in 1966. Gaborone is the capital and the largest city. Population: 1,443,000. "
fyi again..Botswana doesnt have very nice fridge magnets either
Someone once told me that sticking fridge mangets on the refrigerator will increase the electrical usage of the refrigerator..
i wonder how true the myth is..
Looking at my family refrigator....Ermmm, i hope dad wouldnt get a heart attack if the PUB bill keeps escalating

The most expensive fridge magnet is the one i bought from Paris~~
It cost me 8.50euros, equivalent to S$16.50!!
and its just a normal fridge manget..
nothing special about it... but 没有潘发 lah...
as i mentioned earlier...It's a "die die must buy thingy 死死都要买"
My favourite fridge magnet is probably the moo moo cow magnet i got from Zurich, Switzerland..and it has a small little bell attached at the bottom!

~Ring ring~
so kawaii~~
So to my dear friends out there, if you're travelling to a exotic part of the world or to any other places...
help me to expand my collection worr~~
Good karma for you....
English word: Fridge magnet
Swedish word: kylskåp magnet
Saturday, March 18, 2006
A wonderful getaway to........Krabi! Yaay~
Finally...a long anticipated holiday to Krabi!
For 6days 5nights! Woo Hoo~~ And its so sweet of Tom to arrange everything.. From the booking of the tickets, accomodations to the airport transfer..
However, im wanna protest here.. Why it is that guy don't understand that women like me needs :
a pouch for makeup,
another pouch for toiletries,
another pouch for facial stuff,
another pouch for moisturising stuff,
another pouch for body stuff,
To him, in his little world..his so-called toiletries bag (if you could called it a's actually a NTUC plastic bag) is basically just a facial wash, toothbrush/paste and shampoo/condition.. That's it! full stop! Case Closed!
He keeps saying that it really AMAZED him the amount of stuff i bring with me overseas..
C'mon, its not so bad..just a checked in bag, a cabin bag and a garment bag for a 8days flight..
Sometimes i even had to ask my colleagues to "long pang" stuff in their bag for me .
So anyway, Tom believes in "you carry what you bring".
In the end, i had to bring my bare minimum toiletries to Krabi else he wouldnt carry my bag for me. Sighz~

Off we go to Krabi with
Tiger Airways!!
I was initally feeling sceptical about the free seating arrangement but the boarding went quite smoothly. Thank god we managed to find seats together for both sectors.
Points to note if you are travelling by Tiger Airways:
1. Baggage allowance:
They are really particular about the baggage allowance
-7kg for hand carry
-15kg for checked in baggage.
During check in, we had a couple infront of us who exceeded by a few kilos. The lady at the counter said its either they repack the bag or pay for the additional weight. (steady steady! 我希欢!wish my company enforce this regulation as well..)
2. Eat something before the Flight!!
Eventhough they sell food onboard, it pretty much runs out very fast. Tom and myself skip our breakfast, thinking that we could have some food onboard. But when we ordered their gourmet sandwiches, it was already sold out! And we were sitting like just 10 rows from the front.
psst..and our dear Tom here got pretty upset about it. He even wanna write a complaint letter saying its ridiculous that on one hand, we couldnt bring our own food and the other hand, they don't cater enough food onboard! *Grouchy Grouchy*
Other than that, the flight went pleasantly..except for Mr Grouchy Bear sitting beside me..murmuring about his gourmet sandwich in his sleep...
On our way to the resort...
It's a boat ride, about 30mins from the main island...
(Ermmm...thats me! If you can't recognise the back view..ask the photographer! im not the one holding the camera *poke poke*)

Doesn't this remind you of times when the hotel want to inform the guests of the people getting married that day? They usually have somthing similar like :
Welcome to XXX Hotel
to the marriage of
Mr blah blah blah and
Ms blah blah blah
just kidding..I thought it was a nice little touch from the Resort.
And this is our Resort!!!
Where we will be staying for 6days!!
YAAY~~ nice nice nice
Its probably one of the slightly more expensive resort in Krabi. We paid like S$144++ per night
BUT what the heck! it's a well deserve holiday for me..
ermm..i mean us
*holiday, holiday* as how Madonna sings it
(hmm...i wonder whether we can stand each other for so long..hahaha)
It's time to hit the beach....

Kayaking around the islands ....
there's this lifevest story that i wanna share with you people but Tom might think otherwise *zipped zipped*
Massage time.....
How can you go to Thailand and not go for Thai massage!!
and i absolutely love massage...letting your body relax after a day out in the beach
Snacking time......
So much for going on a diet! But as mentioned earlier:
*holiday, holiday* as how Madonna sings it
Its a holiday... Be free! *chomp chomp chomp* Blurp~
Food Time......
Nice dinner, watching the sunset in the distance (and this is where we found the bestest bestest tom yum soup and pizza..Droolz)
Before you know it...time to go home~ *sob sob*

I must say it had been a wonderful getaway! We could actually put up with each other for 6days. Yaay!! Its a small feat!
And the best part (as Tom mentioned) I didnt get mad at him throughout the trip...hahaha
Don't make me out to be such a tyrant leh
Im so nice and sweet..heehee
So as i was saying, it's like living in paradise..very layback kind of living
Everyday was spent stuffing ourselves with food, laying in the beach getting sunburnt, playing in the water, snorking, kayaking, watching the sunset together and enjoying each other's company. My colleague, Eliz mentioned that it sounded kinda boring. She prefer to venture out and explore the surroundings, eating local food and stuff.. Well for me, i guess that's what beach holiday is all about.. to just basically Rest and Relax.
I like to tuck a flower behind my ear..makes me feel very feminine and demure.. then i got Tom to tuck a flower behind him too!! heehee..See, he looks so so cute..
English word: Flowers
Swedish word: Blomma
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
The battle of the omelette!

- tomato
- chives
- lotsa ham
- lotsa cheese
- Onions...sniff sniff
- eggy
- and most important..
the Chef itself!...heehee
mixed everything together........
Step two - into the frying pan! (or out of the frying pan and into the fire?)
As you can see, mine obviously looks nicer while Tom's omelette looks more like a scrambled eggy