Tracy Chapman - Change
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
A set of housekeys
Big mistake here.
You could practically see the wounded look in his eyes
(hahaha, i know...just exaggerating abit here)
Immediately, i regreted what i said.
Time for repair job
"Of cos, i'll love to have a set of house keys"
Too late now....
Prob his pride or ego got bruised and he changed his mind about giving me the house keys. GUYS!!!!!
Thinking back, i guess my first reaction was "i dun need the keys. Its not like im gonna go over if you are not around"
But i didnt realise the importance of the question.
I had never ever keep a set of my ex-boyfriends' housekeys.
They didnt offered and i didnt ask.
Maybe its because they are still living with their parents? or Maybe its a matter of trust? or maybe??
Its a very significant thing to me i.e if someone gives u their housekeys. Its like they have alot of trust in you. So when Tom offered his keys to me:
Does it mean that he's bringing our relationship to a new level?
or is it just for convenience i.e like when he's not home when i go over, i could just open the door and let myself in? Probably both, i guess...
i guess im still pretty overwhelmed. Its a great feeling to have someone trusting you so much. I wonder did he put alot of thoughts into it before he asked or it's just something that he does with all his ex-girlfriends.
a) Like to all his ex-girlfriends "oh yeah, here's a set of my housekeys. Help yourself to anything in the fridge! treat it like your home" he said in a nonchalent manner
b) Omigod, im gonna offer her my housekey, everything just feel so right with her..will she reject it? will she think its too soon? will she think im weird? will she be put off? will she....will she.....*toss and turn in bed* worrying for zillion nights
Maybe its not such a big deal to him! so why am i making such a big deal about it? Well, Because...because....its a big deal to me!
So maybe, Tom...just of these days, i might just pop over to your place when you are not around and have a surprise for you when you come home! haha..who knows?
Swedish : Jag heter Jasmine
English : I am Jasmine
Drama mama spoilt my chinese new year!!
Everyone was happy its the last leg of the flight (eventhough the flight was full full full)
Everyone was looking forward to going back to Singapore and celebrating Chinese New year with family and loved one.
Everyone was so bloody tired due to lack of sleep
Then the drama began:
It happened during the boarding of passengers:
Mr A was standing and looking at his boarding pass. Since i was in charge of the aisle, I went over and asked him whether everything was okay. He showed me his boarding pass and explained that someone was sitting in his seat. I looked at the pass, 45D, turned around..and true enough, there's an old lady occupying his seat...
Moi: Excuse mdm, may i take a look at your boarding pass?
old lady: mumble mumble mumble (speaking in a foreign language)
Moi: i need to see your boarding pass
old lady: mumble mumble
This is going to be tough....
then, the old guy seating at the G seat spoke up
Old guy: we changed our seats. Our original seat are 45E, 45G and 45H
(for those who are not familiar with the seat plan ===>45D,E,G are 3 connected seats,followed by the aisle then 45H,J,K)
We changed our seats because we are friends and we want to be seated together.
Moi: Sir, i'm sorry but the seat has been assigned to Mr A. Please go back to your allocated seat.
Old guy: we are friends and we want to sit together
Moi: Well, if thats the case, maybe you would like to ask Mr A whether he wants to take your seat at 45H then.
Old guy talked to Mr A and Mr A, being the nice and considerate man agreed to take the seat 45H
Problem solved? Not yet...
May i now present to you====> the Drama mama
Walked over to Seat 45H..Woo hoo, lo and behold...there's a lady a.k.a Drama mama seated at 45H...
Hmm...something is not right here
Moi: Excuse me,mdm. Is this your original seat?
Drama mama: No, my original seat is 45J.
Moi: Well, if thats the case, would you like to go back to your original seat because the gentleman behind me is taking this seat
Drama mama: No, i'm not going back to my original seat. I requested for an aisle seat but i dunno why it was not given to me. I cant sit in the middle. I have xxxxphobia. I can't sit there. I will be vomitting throughout the flight if i sit in the middle and blah blah blah blah blah blah..
Before i could respond, the old man seated at 45G stood up and shouted at her
Old man: You go back to your seat!! Thats not your seat!!!
World War III just erupted in the cabin.
Lotsa shouting, lotsa hand gestures...all the passengers are looking at the 2 of them screaming at each other. The funny thing was, Drama mama's husband seated at 45K didnt even intervene.
After 5 mins of verbal exchange ====>
she flung the blanket on to the floor and walked away (prob to the toilet)
I looked at Mr A and thinking "Poor guy, I dun want him to be involved in this feud.
It's the first day of Chinese New Year!!
I told him to wait a few minutes while i'll look around for another seat for him. Thank goodness we found another aisle seat at the back. Peace at last!
So much for Chinese New Year, man!
just saw my cousin and she mentioned that i looked like i put on weight!! Darn~~
No more Bak kua (my favourite!!!) sobz
Swedish word : att banta
English : to diet
Sunday, January 22, 2006
My LV cabin bag - SCRATCHED!!!
Tom was nagging that i wasted $1500 on a bag that i don't need(Not to mention the infamous $300 strap). Heck! i bought it for a couple of months and it's still in its paperbag collecting dust.
So finally, i decided to use it on one of my flight. In the arrival hall, moi was happily pulling my trolley with thoughts of going home, taking a nice shower, laying in bed when my colleague called out to me.......
Colleague: Hey, u better take care of your bag lah, See!! its slanted to one side of the trolley and half of your bag is rubbing the floor.

"Thanks, babe!! Have a good rest" Moi started to adjust it when i
realised THIS!!!!
Apparently, the leather got stuck to the wheels of my trolley. Thus, while moi was pulling it, the wheel was happily rubbing against the leather causing wear and tear. End result? A scrape of 5inches long and 1inch wide!!!!!!! you can even see the inner lining!!!!!!!
and its due to my clutziness!!! 好伤心
Another twist: when i mentioned to Tom that im finally going to use my bag for flight, he lamented that im gonna break it...True enough, i actually made such a big scrap!!!!
不公平!!! Moi protest!!!
Monday, January 16, 2006
Poor one-eyed blackie
I was away in Athens for 7days. When i came back yesterday, Mr Blackie was floating on his STOMACH!!!
My mom was telling me he had been in this state for the last couple of days.
Poor Blackie~~

when i first started out, i had 9 goldfishes in a 2feet tank.. Yupz, Squeezy as hell..they are always bumping into each other.. imagine it as 9pple living in a one room flat....
See how nice it was back then...I decorated it with stones, pebbles, and plants
That was two years ago..Slowly, the plants died, the stones removed (Do u know how tiring and tedious it was to scrub every stone with a toothbrush!!)
This is my fish tank now...plain and simple...

ermmm, actually 小红, the one with the red cap on its head, died a month ago...but thats another story..heehee
I like to think that my goldfishes went to fish heaven due to old age and sickness AND NOT, I REPEAT, and not due to my negligence*
*Special note for Tom and mom
Now i have 3 goldfishes left (provided Mr Blackie survived). I sure hope they are happier now ....No more jostling with the rest for food, no more bumping into each other...heck, its like upgrading to a 5room flat with their own little corner..
Which reminds me, i need to change their water else mom starts complaining again..
Sighz, why did i keep goldfishes as pet?
Swedish word: Guldfisk
English word: Goldfish!

Vistors and family----> Please visit during office hours
Saturday, January 07, 2006
My 台湾 muah chee and 台湾 jelly
I stumbled upon this neighbouring makeshift store selling 台湾 muah chee (soft chewy sweets made from flour with stuffing like green tea, chocolate, sesame etc inside) and 台湾 jelly. I had eaten it a few times before, usually offered by my friend, Darren (he's a sucker...ermmm i mean lover for 台湾 muah chee) The bright colours and huge varieties of muah chee stopped me in my track.
WOW! I need to get some of these!!
The muah chees and jellies are going for $1.80 per 100g and you get like 100g free for every KG purchased.
Well, if you think about it, $1.80 for every 100g doesnt sound excessive...its like "how many grams can a lil muah chee be right?So moi happily started selecting the colourful muah chees and stuffing it into my clear plastic bag. If you look at the picture closely, you'll notice that the plastic wrapped packaging are muah chees while the paper wrapped rectangle packaging are actually Jellies! (i didnt know it was jelly till i opened one later)
As i wanted to just take a few to try, i took like one of each from the baskets.
When i passed it to the 老板 (Boss) to weight, he was like "Aiyah, not enough lah...come, I shall help you choose the nice ones" Before i know it, he was stuffing my plastic bag with more muah chees and jellies. My small little bag becomes a big bag!
He put its on the weighting machine and told me it's S$!18
I was Flabbergasted!! 杀人放火
(small lil bag of muah chee)
"What!! 老板, I'm just buying a couple of muah chee to sample!!"
Thank god i only took out my coin pouch so there's like just a few dollar notes and coins. I told him i don't have enough $$ to pay for it and showed him that i got just $10 in my coin pouch. He relented and finally gave me, in his own words, "a special price for a special lady" 700g for $10 (which i think its still abit too excessive)
In fact, the jelly itself weights like 50g per piece. So if i had choose all jellies, im paying 14 jellies for $10.
Since then, I have walk passed the store on a few occasions and it never fail to be covered with people choosing and buying their muah chees. Those suckers! Maybe it just me who thinks its a tad too expensive. I gotto admit that its really tasty though...but still.......Darn~
hopefully, the prices will go down after Chinese New Year!!
Or more muah chees for me to sample leh!!
Sunday, January 01, 2006
Ode to my family portrait
New Year's Day
I just did a flight this morning (YESHHH... On New Year Day!!!...while the rest of u lucky people could sleep till the cows come home, moi had to wake up at 5.30AM this morning to report for flight!)
I was being assigned to work in Business class today. During the commencement of passenger boarding, I had this lady being wheeled onboard the flight. She's probably in her late 30s and was being acompanied by her husband. You could tell from the look on her face that's she in extreme pain and discomfort. Throughout the flight the husband was seem taking care of her, stoking her face, whispering soft words into her ears. Being the kaypoh crew we are, one of my colleague managed to fish out some information from the husband. Apparently, the woman is suffering from cancer and is on her way to the hosiptal for medical treatment. My heart goes out to her! Geez, on New year day!! People start the New Year merrily with countdowns, laughter, partying, with happy wishes to last the whole year! The headlines in the newspaper are about celebrations all over the world and "The first baby to be born in the year 2006". Not to be sick in the hosiptal! It's just not right! Unfair...Grrrrrr
I guess I really feel for them. They must be quite well-to-do to be able to travel in Business class. But all the money in the world can't buy something called Health. 健康
So for this coming new year, i wish for good health, to my loved ones, my family, Tom, my 3 goldfishes, and all of my friends
My wish this year is to appreciate my family members, especially my mom and dad...
To my Mother,
who wakes up early to go to the market to buy breakfast for her family,
who wakes up and buttered my bread and made me a cup of coffee whenever i have to report for morning flight (like 4am!!)
who goes to NTUC, Shop&save, Giant just to compare prices and save a few cents for the family
I'm sorry for making a fuss abt the half boiled egg this morning eventhough you woke up at 5am just to make it for me (BUT it was really too raw!!)
I wish you will grow old gracefully, be in good health and live to a ripe old age! You will always be the mother that i love so much. I wanna thank you for doing so much for the family.
To my Dad,
who goes to work at 5am everyday
who's coming to 61years old this year but still work so hard just to provide for the family. The only leisure you have is just staying at home and watching TV...
im wish i could talk to you as much as i would love too. I know u are not open minded about lotsa stuff (like why can't you find a chinese boyfriend???), Im 27years old this year, Dad...Please trust me and have faith in my judgement.
Like mum, i wish you will live to a ripe old age, live and enjoy life a little, be more open-minded about things and hopefully, you can stop working so hard once all of us starts working
To my Sis
Thanks for being there for me....always
for helping me to change my bedsheets,
for making my bed (yesh, im a firm believer that if you are going to sleep in the same bed later on at night, whats the point for making the bed every single morning?)
for wrapping up all my presents cause i find it so such a boring chore,
for accompanying me to see the doctor,
for putting up with all my nonsense,
I must learn to appreciate you more and i hope u'll find a job, get yourself attached, get married and have a wonderful life..
To my Bro
you know how i always make fun about you being gay because u have been single all your life...
how i coloured ur hair cos i want u to look tready and you ended up being the butt of jokes because it wasnt....Erm hmm...alright, it didnt turn out the way i expected! Blame the hair dye!!
and forcing u to wear contact lens just so u could attract more gals
BUT thats because i care about you!!(dubious dubious look from Bro)
Like sis, i.....hope u'll find a job, get yourself attached, get married and have a wonderful life (copy and paste from sister portion..hahaha)
Oh yah, one more thing >>>> STOP spending so much time playing your silly Ragnarok!!! How to find girls like that....
To Tom
I must say it has been a wonderful 3months. And i'm sure we are gonna have a special and wonderful year ahead..and many many years ahead!!! Hahaha
Whatever that you have been harping.......i mean advising me about i.e my princess attitude, taking people and things for granted, spending habits and blab blah blah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blahblah blah blah blah blab blah blah blah blah blah...
Oh yeah, where was I?
Ohhh....what i'm trying to say is----> i'll sure you've seen a VAST IMPROVEMENT in ME..... and i'll continue to change for the better and kick all my bad habits..Likewise, change some of your bad habits too...poke poke poke
And lastly, to the loving couple i met on my flight today
I wish this year will be better for you and i hope you will get well after your medical treatment. Be a fighter against cancer!! Because i'm sure that's what your husband and your loved one wish for
Swedish word: kämpe
English word: Fighter
Cause if it wasn't for all that you tried to do
I wouldn't know just how capable I am to pull through
So I wanna say thank you '
Cause it makes me that much stronger
Makes me work a little bit harder
It makes me that much wiser
So thanks for making me a fighter
Made me learn a little bit faster
Made my skin a little bit thicker
Makes me that much smarter
So thanks for making me a fighter